Saturday, November 19, 2011

grab bag charity event!

Time for our annual Grab Bag Charity event! This year we are donating everything we make to the Connecticut Children's Hospital!

$25 to play
Cash preferred
... No changes to designs. They are tattooed as-is.

Begins sometime mid-morning, probably 9 or 10, and will continue until there is no one left to get tattooed of we drop dead from exhaustion.

Reach in the grab bag and pull out your tattoo design from one of the 100+ designs we have conjured up via tattoo wizardry! The sheet shown is only one of FOUR design sheets we painted. If you absolutely can't live with it, you can hold on to it and draw again, but you cannot go back to the first one you drew, so you'd better make sure you want to trade it in. If you don't want to second one, you can simply forfeit your money to the charity, but you can play as many times as you want!

All designs will be posted on the wall and ones that have already been tattooed will be crossed off so you know what's still in the bag.

There will be food and beverages served, but only those that participate in the grab bag can eat and drink. If you simply want to make an outright donation to the cause, that's fine too. It just means you're too big of a sissy to play with the big boys.

If you can't make it down for the event, you can still do the grab bag for the next few weeks afterwards, but we recommend getting in EARLY, because the later you play, the less...appealing the tattoos become.

One third of the designs will be good classic tattoo images, such as flowers, small japanese tattoos, stars, etc. Another third are pretty weird, but still not bad. The last third are downright vulgar. Genitalia, breasts, and naughty language abound. Get in early, because as this thing progresses, people are gonna keep getting the good ones and passing on the bad ones. Eventually the bag will be primarily dirty tattoos, so your odds get worse and worse.

This promises to be a blast! Last year was fantastic! We did 34 tattoos in the first day and ended up raising $1500 for charity! This year we'd like to top that if possible. Tell your friends and family, and definitely share this event on your page if you can.

We will post some of the designs online soon so you can see what you're up against. The event photo is only one of the sheets we are doing.

Hope to see you on the 27th!


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